速報APP / 教育 / Wiz Kids College

Wiz Kids College



檔案大小:29.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Wiz Kids College(圖1)-速報App

NOTE: This application access is restricted to Wiz Kids College students and parents.

Key Features:


* Keeping you up to date on Wiz Kids College announcements.

**About Wiz Kids College**

About us:


In WIZ KIDS College we aim to raise a happy, active, independent and

self-confident child in a well-developed learning environment that

encourages and supports continued growth in the three primary

developmental domains (physical, cognitive and social-emotional ).

Vision :

Wiz Kids College(圖2)-速報App


Our vision is to create a better society for tomorrow by helping today’s

children grow up as well-rounded, mature individuals who will go on to

become champions and leaders, who will have positive attitude

towards life and who will definitely succeed in all the endeavors.

Mission :


Our mission is to prepare pre-school children educationally,

intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically to enable them to

deal with life’s challenges successfully. We set a task to support the

individuality of each child, letting him choose what he really wants .

All teachers of WIZKIDS nursery are ready to help your child to develop

Wiz Kids College(圖3)-速報App

and make his first independent steps towards building his own

